Corporate Governance

Outcome of Meeting

Extract of the 21st AGM minutes and its appendix

Extract of the 20th AGM minutes and its appendix

Extract of the 19th AGM minutes and its appendix

Extract of the 18th AGM minutes and its appendix

Extract of the 17th AGM 06/8/2020

Extract of the EGM 28/5/2020

Extract of the 16th AGM 30/5/2019

Appendix 1, minutes of the 16th AGM 30/5/2019

Appendix A (constitution), minutes of the 16th AGM

Polling results of the AGM 30/5/2018

Extract of the minutes of the AGM 30/5/2018

Polling results – EGM

Polling results – AGM

Extract of the Minutes of the 14th AGM 25/08/2017

Extract of the Minutes of EGM 25/08/2017

Group Policies

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (APHB-ABMS-001)

Corporate Disclosure & Communication Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures to assess the suitability and independence of External Auditors

Remuneration Policy Procedures for Directors and Senior Management

Shareholder Communication Policy

Sustainability Policy

Whistleblowing Policies

Terms of Reference of Board Committees

Terms of reference of Audit Committee

Terms of reference of Nomination Committee

Terms of reference of Remuneration Committee

Board Charter

Board Charter

Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors

Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors
